How to Get Discount Prescriptions in St. Louis

Discount prescriptions in St. Louis

How to Get Discount Prescriptions in St. Louis It comes as no surprise that costs are increasing–including on prescriptions. Did you also know that young adults spend on average $124 a year on prescriptions–while older Americans spend $262?  Members of Link Primary Care don’t have to pay outrageous prices for prescriptions, because they have another […]

Healthy Holiday Meals For Your Guests

Healthy holiday meal set up on a table.

Healthy Holiday Meals to Keep Your Guests Happy 2022 has been your best health year yet because you’ve been focusing on your overall health and mindful eating rather than giving into crazy fad diets that don’t last. Congrats, way to go! We’re here to help you stay on track through the holiday season.  With holidays […]

Affordable Health Benefits for Small Businesses

Affordable health benefits for small businesses.

Affordable Health Benefits for Small Businesses As a small business owner, you’ve got a lot on your plate, and one of the things that likely has your brain going ‘round and ‘round is what kind of health insurance you should provide to your employees. We’ve all seen a rise in the cost of healthcare for […]

Primary Care Physician for College Students

Student feeling good with college primary care physician.

Primary Care Physician for College Students You’ve been back at school for a few months; now you’ve noticed that you’re starting to get a cough, your temperature is rising occasionally, and you can’t seem to say goodbye to stomach aches for good.  Being at a St. Louis college is a lot of fun, and it’s […]

Concierge Healthcare Over the Holidays

Kids enjoying concierge healthcare over the holidays

Concierge Healthcare Over the Holidays  There’s not much worse than having to sit in urgent care or the emergency room when you have a fever, you’re coughing, and generally feel like your head is about to explode. It’s even worse during the holiday season, when more illnesses are floating around and you want to get […]

Concierge care: A healthcare solution for all

Patient meeting with concierge doctor in St. Louis

Concierge care is the healthcare solution for everyone Have you ever watched an old show where they had doctors that made house calls, and ever wonder why we don’t do that anymore? Well, I have good news for you friend! We may not have in-person house calls anymore, but we do have concierge care, and […]

Preventative care is affordable and easy with Direct Primary Care

Doctor holding up a sign that reads “Prevention is better than cure.”

It can be easy to skip doctor’s appointments because you don’t feel sick, or don’t feel like spending your time and gas money to go to the appointment. However, the real cost is not going to your routine primary care appointments. It was reported that in 2017 the average emergency room visit costs $1,389. You […]

Choose the best primary care physicians

Smartphone showing apps on the screen reading “Connect wit ha, telehealth provider.”

Choose the primary care physicians that are always available Telehealth is fairly new in health care and has undoubtedly become more popular since 2020. However, some people remain skeptical of the benefits of virtual doctor’s appointments. Let’s discuss why having a direct primary care physician online will make your life easier, without sacrificing your health. […]

Chronic illness doctors can help you live a pain-free life

Lady sitting on a couch while holding her back and in evident pain.

Chronic illness doctors can help you live a pain-free life Chronic illnesses can change the way that you live your life when you’re experiencing constant pain or discomfort. Your illness can make it difficult to do simple tasks like chores around the house or focus at work. At Link Primary Care we want to help […]

Chronic Disease Management with Direct Primary Care

Female doctor caring for an older patient.

Chronic Disease Management with Direct Primary Care Chronic diseases, also known as chronic illnesses, require an ongoing level of treatment and last for at least one year. These illnesses affect 60% of adults in the United States, according to the CDC. Unlike a normal disease or illness, a chronic disease requires constant management. Normally, when […]

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