Concierge care: A healthcare solution for all

Patient meeting with concierge doctor in St. Louis

Concierge care is the healthcare solution for everyone

Have you ever watched an old show where they had doctors that made house calls, and ever wonder why we don’t do that anymore? Well, I have good news for you friend! We may not have in-person house calls anymore, but we do have concierge care, and it’s not just for the celebrities (although, it will make you feel like you’re VIP)! At Link Primary we offer concierge care for adults, children, and college students! Never ignore your health again when you’re a Link Primary patient.

Busy Business needs a concierge doctor 

Busy Business loves their job, it’s fulfilling and challenges them mentally, but it also challenges their health….and, not in a good way. With long days that start before the sun rises, and finish way past business hours they never have time for a doctor’s appointment. It’s not a secret that keeping track of your health is important, but Busy Business is really struggling to make it a priority. These headaches, backaches, and stomach issues just seem to get worse as the days pass. Busy Business really wishes that there was some way to see a doctor at the office, or right after her meeting. They often wonder why doctors don’t offer virtual care, or appointments when their patients are actually available.

What Busy Business doesn’t know is that there are doctors that offer virtual care whenever they need it most! At Link Primary Care we provide Concierge Care to everyone! Busy Business doesn’t have to sit in their pain every day – instead, they can sign up for their free 15-minute consultation online (in between meetings) and begin enjoying the many benefits of being a Link Primary patient such as immediate appointments, urgent care services, and the ability to call, text or email their doctor whenever they need. 

Mommy Machine needs a concierge doctor

Mommy Machine has been a mom for a while now and has their home and schedule running like a well-oiled machine, but the one thing she can’t seem to fit into their calendar is doctor’s appointments. Of course, she prioritizes the health of her kids, but she often wonders if there’s an easier option to care for her children than constantly checking them out of school for a doctor’s appointment. 

She can’t seem to remember the last time she went to a doctor’s appointment for herself. Anxiety creeps in when she realizes how easy it can be to miss warning signs of declining health. If only there was a way that she could make a doctor’s appointment during the few minutes she has between work and after-school activities. A way that she could schedule appointments for her kids on the weekends, or right after school so they don’t have to keep missing school (and she doesn’t have to keep missing work). 

Mommy Machine needs concierge care, and the good news is that it only takes a few minutes to sign up online for her free 15-minute consultation. Say goodbye to missing school, and work, and say hello to using PTO for vacations, instead of appointments. Mommy Machine will be back to running that well-oiled machine and making sure that everyone (including herself) is staying healthy when they become Link Primary Care patients and enjoy complete care for all ages, no enrollment fees, and concierge physicians. 

Odd Hour Offer needs a concierge doctor 

Odd Hour Offer loves the change of pace that their job provides with a rotating schedule. They never have to work late nights for too many weeks, and sometimes getting up before the sun rises is great, because they get the rest of the day to themselves. However, despite the positives of a rotating schedule, it makes it extremely difficult to make plans, including doctor’s appointments. The sporadic nature of their job never bothered them, because they like to go with the flow, but now that their experiencing some stomach issues, and noticing their weight fluctuating more than they would like it would be nice to talk to a doctor about it to make sure they’re okay. 

Odd Hour Offer is from the generation that cares a lot about their wellness, and knows it’s important, but has been putting it on the back burner because they’re still young. Odd Hour Offer is ready to see a doctor, but can’t seem to figure out their schedule long enough to actually schedule a doctor’s appointment! If only there was a way they could schedule doctors’ appointments or at least talk to them if he can’t have an official appointment. 

Concierge Care is here to save the day for Odd Hour Offer! Link Primary Care patients get healthcare when and where they need it, and they don’t have to wait for an appointment to talk to their doctor! After a quick and free 15-minute consultation that Odd Hour Offer can sign up for online, they will be able to call, text or email their doctor whenever they need health advice, and get wellness coaching to help them feel their best! 

Become a Link Direct Primary Care patient today

Link Direct Primary Care has a better version of healthcare for you: concierge healthcare that’s available for all ages, affordable, and gives you the ability to take control of your health at a time that works best for you in your preferred (or easiest) way of communication. Sign up today for your free 15-minute consultation and see the difference between Concierge Care with LInk Primary Care. 

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