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Functional Medicine Consultations in St. Louis

Concierge Medicine Means Asking the Questions that Matter

At Link Primary Care in St. Louis, we provide personalized care. That means going beyond what most people consider to be primary care. You deserve to be in the best health possible, so let’s focus on preventive care and chronic illness.

With unlimited doctor visits, you can discuss your specific health needs with our team. We will put together personalized wellness plans just for you. No added cost. It’s all part of your incredible DPC membership.

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Comprehensive Care for Every Situation

Learn more about our consultation options. From thyroid health to hormone balance, our expert team is here to help you.

Thyroid Care

Link Primary Thyroid Care

Imbalanced thyroid levels can lead to chronic fatigue, dry skin, sensitivity to temperature, and other chronic symptoms. Let’s discuss your options.

Lifestyle Medicine

It’s the daily habits that keep us healthy long into old age. Meet with your physician to talk about nutrition, exercise, sleep, and stress management.

Chronic Pain

Is there a deeper cause behind your chronic pain? Our consultations can improve muscle, bone, and lifestyle issues leading to pain.

Hormone Balance

Link Primary Hormones

Hormones regulate nearly every process in the body. These “messengers” can sometimes get disrupted, so it’s our job to guide you toward balance.


Patient Reviews

5 Star Ratings

They are great. You call, they answer. You need an appointment, you get one. You want to talk to a doctor, they call you or text you. I know this sounds simple, but it is absent in medicine today. I highly recommend.

John D.

5 Star Ratings

Link Primary Care is a great fit for my family. My boys are 14, 9 and 8. Something is always coming up with them. A rash, a cut, depression, constipation, sore throat, etc. I just reach out to Dr. Yalavarthi using an App on my phone. She gets right back to me. Usually, she gets back to me within minutes. I can send her a picture of the wound and then we can talk next steps. Dr. Yalavarthi had gone out of her way several times to meet me as soon as possible to address my concerns. It’s an amazing feeling to know I can reach out to her at any time and she will be there for me. I’ve been out of town and needed her. It was so easy to reach out to her and talk to her rather than go to an urgent care. I just text her my prescription refill request and she calls it right in. I will never go back to traditional medicine practice after experiencing the convenience and genuine care and concern I get from Link Primary Care. It is much more affordable as well. I highly recommend it.

Ann W.


Functional Consultations at a Much Lower Price

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Unlimited Doctor Visits


You can visit the clinic or securely text/call your child’s concierge pediatrician as often as they need. Same-day appointments available.

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Complete Concierge Care

Whether your child gets sick, injured or needs chronic disease management, our concierge pediatricians are always just an email, call or text away. Primary, Wellness & Urgent Care

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On-site Pharmacy

Save 80% on medications

Save 90% on lab tests

Save 80% on imaging tests

Schedule Your 15 Min Discovery Call